Dearest readers, There has been so much that I've wanted to share with you all! Some of it made it to page but not publish so I'm airing my dirty laundry now, if you will - so wrinkle your noses and keep reading!Last Friday for instance, I really meant to tell you all what an awfully good cook I am. How I made a chicken pot pie from scratch (nearly), mindful of the need for a hearty winter supper. How splendid it looked, straight from the oven, and how tasty too - I might add (though perhaps I'd gotten a bit carried away grinding the pepper mill). Imagine me and Monty sitting down, nearly done our delicious meal. Both smitten with a forkful of pastry at the tail end of the meal we finally realized it I'd left out the key ingredient!
Certainly I accounted for it the night before, when I stayed up late preparing so I could simply throw it all together before dinner. But, after all the slicing and dicing, preheating and seasoning I really did forget. I forgot to take the chicken out of the fridge and add a dose of what the pie had been so aptly named after! What a laugh at my expense!
Then there was today... With best intentions and one foot forward I'd spent nearly the whole day popping, I dare think I could stand seeing another kernel of corn as long as I live! 5 different kinds of madness later, minus a few old maids for measure - I can honestly say homemade Christmas treats are certainly insane in the chaos of the holiday, I'm now superbly sure.
Oh, and you'd hardly believe me if I told you about the post office conundrum! Simply read my entry about the same time last year. It's simply now a tradition no doubt.
So, until next time... Holly Jolly to you all!
Every year I plan on making Christmas presents by hand or ordering them online. Also, every year that opportunity slips away as time does on my procrastination calendar.
I think my resolve for the upcoming year will be about following through on those best intentions of mine. But that's next year.
If I'm lucky I make good with a few planned gift baskets. A couple of Internet purchases are made but having them arrive on time has been both hit and miss, I'm afraid.
Those crowded malls just need to be avoided. As much as I love some stores and their decorations, and mingling with kinder folk filled with holiday sparkle, the grand scheme is a bit much for me. Heck, I bet anything on that large a scale is for most people actually.
I'm up for suggestions on gift matters and help with my shopping woes. That is to say, if you aren't too busy with your own. I bet you are, I suppose.
Today we lagged the beginning of the day in front of the TV. Watching 'The Dog Whisperer" has become a weekend ritual for us (including the pooches). Later we ran a few errands for our pets (we have ginormous fish too), and purchased building supplies for the currently dilapidated bedroom.
Of course, after a grocery run we stopped for the habitual Saturday treat of fresh baked goods and coffee (The new bakery is so conveniently situated next door to our neighbourhood Starbucks). Who could only choose one and not have the other?
I better wrap it up, and start a pizza for supper (it won't make itself). Maybe I'll catch up on the pile of DVDs, settling in for a movie tonight.
Last night kicked off the chilly weekend with a cheery and spirited start.
Our night was spent sharing a delightful dinner with dearly missed friends. It had been ages since we had seen them last. The evening was made catching up - full of conversation, nibbling an Italian meal and delectable dessert.
It was so wonderful seeing them again.I vow this time not to let such a lengthily duration separate us ever again. Perhaps babysitting will be the next agenda. That would at least give them both a chance to have some time to themselves. Up into the new year will be busy preparation for them. They are expecting a baby! How exciting!