Where the hell have you been?

I haven't been posting as diligently as I should. It isn't because my life has been uneventful. On the contrary, it's had it's moments.

For instance, I got in a fight with my sister. Thank God we are forgiving people, unlike the rest of the family. Things are back to the way they were. She finally decided on a pet. I haven't met the bunny yet.

Put a cork in it
Amelie is in constant pooh mode. The pills the vet wants her to take are reacting rather poorly to the hardwood and carpet. She has taken a liking to Pepto Bismal so things are looking up.

I finally know what all her whining is all about. She wants me to hang out with her. Not food. Not play. Look out the window and be an observer sort of companion. She knows I understand to follow her now and seems drunk on the possibility of having me to herself all the time.

Down with the sickness
While I was at work wildly trying to close the store and take a desperate trip to the restroom, hubs had come home sick with a migraine.

Neither of us feel like ourselves these days. I find myself worried about him. I keep wondering when he is going to crash and the world as we know it turns upside down. Usually that's my role but what the heck would it be like if the sane one wasn't all there keeping it together?

I also came up with a brand new fear. My psychiatrist no longer being there. It hadn't occurred to me before. Scenarios like that freak me out. I guess I see him as a life-line. That must be a common problem for them and for their patients. Not that I've seen him lately. I always feel guilty taking up time and tax payers money. A doctor sent me that message loud and clear one time when I was ill in an emergency room and much younger. I never got over it. Just like the other memories that make me screwed up and mental. Sometimes I'm grateful I can be so forgetful.

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