Cold View

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I've got a bit of... what's the word I'm looking for? Not 'cabin fever'. I'd say... erm...
'WINTER WIG-OUT'. Yep, that's definitely it.

If I rub away the fog and take a look out the window, it's as if the snow has erased any trace of life outside. From the neighbors - right down to the birds. Just an empty scape void of happening. It's a lot like the Langoliers, which I got stuck watching a few days ago. Stephen King was right to think it frightening. The TV has been about as entertaining as the view too, by the way.

Even the dog is suffering from this chill. She barely dares to take a wee outside, hopping on each leg while her feet dare to freeze to the ground. When she isn't sleeping the day away in a shroud of blanket, she's about as spry as I. Each of us iced over, frosted in doldrums.
Both of us waiting...
for someone to get an ice-pick and dig us out.


Jane Doe said...

Geez, and I thought it was cold here!

Therapy4help said...

They do this by using a machine that produces ambient therapeutic sounds that can help to distract them from their problem when they find themselves in a quiet space.