
Maybe it's a melt-down from the holiday frenzy but I'm totally trashed (in the mental sense anyway). Everything makes me sad, in that ironic heart gouging sort of way. Whoever is holding the hole-punch and turning my hope to confetti, mission accomplished...

You've certainly spoiled my fun.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you are feeling so horrible, gabbi. I sucks when it gets so bad that you can feel the pain swelling deep within you. I hope things start to ease up soon.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, was is that a picture of?

It's been a weird season. I think a lot are feeling like you are, so please don't feel alone. I hope that you are feeling better & will soon put up a new post so we know you're alright.

Tanya Kostuk said...

oh, the pic is actually an avatar made from a bjork video and not as gruesome in context