Why is it whenever I go grocery shopping, I forget most of what I went to get in the first place? I mean, I write a list. However, being my recall is as bad as it is that I need to prepare one, I subsequently forget to take the darn thing with me!
I'm an inquisitive shopper. I read the labels, compare brands, checkout what's new. Being a visual person it takes me a while to absorb my surroundings. I've no problem standing there (NOT blocking aisles, I hate that) and take it all in. Anxiety driven and long term medication slows my thinking.
To say I'm indecisive would be only part of the whole truth. Saying so disregards the significance of my problems and how they come into play with those everyday dealings. It's easy to ignore the strain it is for people like me to do the most mundane things. After all, you take the same duties in stride.
Forgive me while I lump a sum of us together...
If the lot of our type are successful at facing our fears, I believe that on our part, I'd say it's only fair to let us revel in it. You might take little things like going out to the store for granted. For us it's an accomplishment of sorts just to do ordinary everyday things. Rest assured, I understand how hard it must be to relate to such situations.
Most of the time I realize what a chore I can be. If I had to pick a word to define myself, I'd probably end up settling for 'frustrating' (or spend forever making up my mind picking one). I know my company can be quite taxing. Therefore I refuse my right to be offended when people stop being incredibly tolerant of the fact.
So for those who have been victim...
It sucks knowing nobody enjoys these excursions. That I rob time and patience to those kind enough to take me anywhere. Yet please, just try to remember that equally in turn, it sucks being rushed around or resented for failing to meet expectations, as a result just as much. My past is full of being left out, or feeling that way. Theres just no need to revisit those pangs and relive them.
it's hard when it's a push or pull, either or thing. maybe there are people out there who would enjoy lingering and label reading with you...
Good point. I'm sure the same hurried types miss out, never stopping to smell the roses.
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