New day

Up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed...
Make that 'blurry eyed' and forget about the tail all together.

I'm struggling to come up with some interesting metaphor to explain these days and get this blog rolling but I haven't found one yet, so bare with me. Once and a while a bird will chirp and rouse me back to the keys...CLICK. Mostly, I've just been staring at the blinking cursor (I think it's mocking me).

The yappy little dog across the street seems to have awakened too. The incessant little beast stirs my own canine companion from her sleep to consider adding her bark to the day.
Good-morning to the both of you...
and good-morning to you too.


Miss Defective said...

I spent all week staring at that mocking little cursor before I finally found something to write. It's not that plenty didn't happen, sometimes it's just hard to organize it all into thoughts. Don't worry, the words will come.

jane said...

I don't know if something has changed, or if we're all being more honest with ourselves - I'm where you are, and where Sid is, too.
Despite everything, I do know that I appreciate both of you very much. :)