All thumbs

I did a vicious amount of planting over the weekend in my parents' new rock garden. It was nice to see my parents spending time together in the midst of their project too. An enjoyable event until I took a spill on the steps into the flower bed, lugging one of the pudgier pekes into the house. It might have been worse, had I fallen none too gently into a nearby cement urn and whacked my head to top it off, so I feel rather unscathed by the incident.

Being the domestic goddess that I am (I truly kid that), I whipped up some homemade repellent to deter the merciless mosquitoes. My Dad sung it's praises to the neighbors. Recipe for this magic elixir has been sought by the block, though I have yet to pen the ingredients. Darrel was there to offer hand and muscle which was truly appreciated ;). Our own landscape received a few welcome additions provided by the garden nursery excursions, getting supplies for the yard next door. This ended the remaining hours of my boyfriend's vacation time (his dissatisfaction with his job even more prominent).

In our own garden, the seeds sown weeks ago have emerged into tiny seedlings, barely pin-pricks of green on a dirt canvas. The initial leafy residents from a summer ago's dig seem to have taken home nicely, with little effort. The Japanese painted fern we planted the year before (presumed dead or certainly missing), has been a barren spot within our populated flower bed for months. Though we expected it hadn't made it over winter - it pushed up curly fiddle heads practically overnight. The midnight purple frond was camouflaged by the surrounding black earth With a growth spurt so sudden - I rubbed my eyes in disbelief!

The nurture and nature of summer has inspired the gardener within. With our new found green thumbs, we've been bitten by the gardening bug for sure.

In pursuit of cuteness and all it's whimsy,
I'm tempted to add an entrance
within the garden (of specific purpose)...

a fairy door,of course.

Here's some gardening humour I dug up. Enjoy!


I've felt less than grand the last couple of days. It could be due to the fact I'm not at my usual dose of meds because the local pharmacy keeps screwing up. It could be just my usual down cycle when my mood turns badly blue. I'm not sure which is the culprit. The only thing I'm certain of is that I feel messed up.

I haven't blogged in ages for a handful of reasons but I've felt rather empty without it. My fellow bloggers are some of the dearest friends I have and yet I don't even really know them. The sense of community and belonging are something I've been missing a great deal.

So I'm easing my way back into the fold, trying to write this snippet about myself. I've been up with the birds for over an hour now, mulling about life in general. Perhaps I'll sit back with my cup of coffee and do some reading...
catching up with some old friends.